Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why I Call Myself "One of the Few"...

Typically, those who have been born again in Jesus refer to themselves as "the Few". I however, am one who realizes that there is something amiss is modern American Christianity.
I would never begin to suggest that I am not perfect. In fact, when someone recently taunted that I could never get along with imperfect Christians, I replied that this was far from the truth. I know I am not perfect. The very fact that I sometimes feel proud or better than someone else is a sign that I am not perfect, and believe me, I know it.
That being said, I would like to make the case that, besides the fact that the modern church structure is not at all what is should be Biblically (which is another article for another time), Christians in America have settled for a modern brand of Christ. A cheap imitation. Pastors are leaving their wives for prettier women. Women come to church dressed as if for the street, no exaggeration! Children are taught foul and crude things. Recently, a man who claims to be a Christian and who has a "Jesus Loves You" tag on his car asked me if I watch "Survivor" and told me he loves the show! Where does the going to church and reading your Bible ever come into your everyday life? Where does the Holy Spirit take over what you watch, wear and take part of? God is a jealous God!
I have heard that Mahatma Gandhi, when asked to consider Christianity, said, "I like the Christ, but not the Christian." Why should the world care about Christian T-shirts, Jesus bumper stickers, over-used catch phrases, tacky things like "Eternity:Smoking or Non-Smoking", when these people lie, cheat, deceive and act just like the world??? If you claim you have Jesus but you drink too much, do drugs, look at porn (no matter how it is labeled...It may be rated R or PG-13, but if it is pornographic, call it what it is. I AM NOT SAYING THAT ANY MOVIE RATED PG-13 OR R IS BAD...), then you have something to examine... Jesus calls us to live differently. Jesus calls us to be the light to the world. Those who are walking in darkness cannot be any light.
I will be the first to say I get angry too much, I gripe too much. I get offended easily. But I really am working to change those things. I want to be more like HE would want me to be. You who are reading this, do you think about what HE wants? Do you realize that vessels need to be clean for the Master's use? Do you realize that a little laziness and selfishness now can send you to Hell?
Suggested reading: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians.

Monday, May 19, 2008


As a writer, getting ink on my clothes is an eventuality. I have struggled with what to do about this, and have thrown clothes out because of it. Everything that normally works - stain stick, bleach, baking soda - comes to nothing at the firm hold of ink.
I got ink on a shirt I really like the other day, and I had to find something. The answer was online. It was so ridiculous, I would never believe it could work - but it did! Cheap hairspray! Spray it on really well and rub it with a cloth soaked in hairspray. It's amazing. Try it!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I am sitting here listening to the rain fall on our tin roof and thinking about how blessed I am, even if I do not always feel particularly blessed. Today, I spent 8 hours working at a local community thrift store (what I usually do on Thursdays, Fridays, and some Saturdays.) It is a lot of fun, but it is also a lot of work, and it is rewarding. The woman who runs it gives my sister and me a lot of clothes for us and our family members. Today I found several outfits for my ten-year old sister.
I sold a pair of sunglasses today for $27.99! That is something to get excited about.
One of the things I am very excited about in my life is my third brother. (I have four brothers and two sisters). At 22, not many people can say they have a 19 month old brother (I even have 6 month old brother.), but I do. And I love him to pieces. He has been such a light in my life, such a joy to be around, and has brought happiness and blessing that I cannot imagine living without. Sometimes I wonder what life was like before he came along. His precious childlike curiosity and constant learning are a joy to observe. He is a walking tape recorder, and he remembers well what things make us smile and laugh. Those things he does all of the time. He doesn't like to see people cry. I had to smile the other day, when he turned and saw me crying for my lost love. He did not like that I was upset. He looked worried, and then he smiled at me. That is so precious. That is how we all should be, all the time, toward one another.
Regardless what I have or do not have, I have the Lord, and no one can take Him from me. And I have the power to determine my own attitude. I will start deciding these things for myself today! I will not let my pain or my past or my situations determine those things for me anymore! Lord, help me to walk worthy of Your calling.
And to you, the One I love, who has hurt me, whom I have hurt in return, I would that I had a lifetime with you to apologize for the pain I may have caused. But I do not. I am sorry. I love you. I cannot forget about you.

Monday, May 5, 2008

How Time Flies...

My, how the days go by. One year ago today, I went to the airport in Chattanooga to finally meet in person the man that I had grown to love and appreciate so much through our chats online. We spent one wonderful week together, and on the last day, he proposed. One of my fondest memories about the day that he proposed was that the night before, he asked me to wear my "meeting outfit", a black polka-dot dress I had made especially to meet him in. He said it was because he did not have any pictures of me in that dress. I later learned that he knew he would propose, and he thought that if he were a woman, he would want to be wearing that dress. How sweet.

However, since that time, instead of marrying him, the man I had waited on my whole life, I am sitting here alone, with a pang in my heart as I look at all the places we sat or walked together, as I listen to the song "Take Off My Shoes" that we listened to so many times, as I remember the things we did together, where we sat and held hands, how we dreamed and prayed, how perfect everything was. And I realize he does not love me as I love him. He is gone. Everything he promised me was not true. My mind tells me never loved me, but my heart remembers him so well. I pray for comfort, and I pray the people who pulled him from me would come to a realization of their ways before they break any more hearts.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Those Teachings of Man Which Add to the Bible. Has God Not Said it All?

Many of you may not be familiar with the teachings of Dr. Frank Garlock. Though it's message was hardly new to me, I was unaware of Garlock until about a year ago. Basically, it's the same message that rock n' roll is evil and will send you to Hell, but this goes a little further.
Garlock has developed a very advanced and elaborate teaching against anything but his own personal favorite music. He claims that music MUST be 3%-4% rhythm or else the players and listeners are held captive by the beat, unable to be saved, because it controls their wills. He claims that most music today is 75% rhythm and beat. (How he measures this, I am not sure. Maybe he has a "Rhythmometer", available for just $19.95!). He has taken his own tastes in music and claims that all else doesn't cut it. He says that rock, pop, country and many other genres are from the Devil. Garlock directs an orchestra, which he says is okay, because the balance is different from today's music. My question is, how does he get around the magnificent percussion sections in much of the orchestra music? Does he disapprove of the 1812 Overture? How can he approve of rhythm and beat used in the music he likes but not in the music he does not? How can he possibly state that it is more pleasing to God to listen to Mozart (whose music I respect greatly), who was a filthy sinner and immoral man, than to listen to Third Day, who cry out in passionate worship of our Lord in music a little different from Garlock's style? How can he say that God is not pleased with songs like, "All I Have to Give", "Anything", "May Your Wonders Never Cease"?
A couple of days ago, I was listening to this incredible worship CD, "Shake Off the Dust", and the first song made me really think about Garlock's theory. This song, backed by a full rock band of electric guitar, drums, bass, the works, cries, "Jesus, You have met these eyes, with tears I don't deserve to cry. There are no words to describe, how I long for You. And I fall, at Your feet. Jesus, You are all that I need." You will never convince me that God is displeased with that heartfelt prayer. You will never convince me that He is more pleased by Mozart's self-worshipping lifestyle and beautiful music than by this song! I just cannot believe it. It is not in the Bible, to start with! It seems that Garlock overlooks the Psalms, where there are found many proclamations to play loud music, to use the instruments that man has to make music on, to sing aloud in praise to His name. (Garlock's followers even disapprove of the traditional Jewish music, such as the Messianic worship by Paul Wilbur. I do not know whether or not Garlock himself opposes this music.)
Garlock's own "ministry" has a cartoon for children, called, "Patch the Pirate". I do not consider pirates to be anything amusing. This series is crude and vulgar, quite despicable, with foul characters such as "Guido Hallitosi", who spreads evil garlic breath, as well as jokes and light references to burping and other crude material. This sounds no different from the world's garbage cartoons for children - they might as well watch SpongeBob Square Pants! I mean, obviously these people do not care very much about being different from the world. I cannot imagine how a Christian thinks it is okay to be teaching children to behave this way - and contributing to the overall moral degradation of society. Just don't let them listen to Third Day.
The fact is, this is a dispute over doubtful things, the likes of which the Bible instructs us not to be carried away with. Garlock's followers compare Christian music with too much rhythm to pornography, using a very weak argument that the colors are not wrong, the lines are not wrong, but when you put the whole picture together, it is wrong. I disagree strongly. What is wrong with pornography, as anyone should know, is that it is made by sinful people, undressed or dressed in a way that will provoke sin. I put forth the case that, just because a color might be popularly used in pornographic photos, the color is not condemned to be a sinful color. Christian worship music with more beat than Garlock is used to is not sinful just because you put together the "picture" or whatever. These people are not using sensual techniques and intending to spread sin. They are simply some people who worship the Lord with a different kind of music.
When, oh when will the church of our Lord be free from such petty disputes and divisions so that it can focus on real issues, like leading people to salvation, like living in righteousness and self-control because of the judgment to come?