Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Partial Birth Abortion

For all of you who want to deny that partial birth abortion is anything less than gory, gruesome and cruel, you might want to click on these links. This goes beyond evil, beyond disturbed, demented, to think up, to perform, to sign up to have it done. This is from the very depths of hell.


This site even features a letter from a former abortionist, stating that this diagram accurately depicts the procedure.

President-elect Barack Obama plans to lift the ban on this horrible, brutal procedure. They say the U.S. is 85% Christian. If that were true, Barack Obama would NOT have been elected! If the U.S. were 85% real, genuine, Bible-believing Christians, this nation would not look like it does!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Some Thoughts by Lewis on Forgiveness...

"There is no use in talking as if forgiveness were easy.  We all know the old joke, 'You've given up smoking once; I given it up a dozen times!'  In the same way, I could say of a certain man, 'Have I forgiven him for what he did that day?  I've forgiven him more times than I can count.'  For we find that forgiveness has to be done over and over again.  We forgive and mortify our resentment; a week later, some chain of thought carries us back to the original offence and we discover the old resentment blazing away as if nothing had been done about it at all.  We need to forgive our brother seventy times seven not for 490 offences, but for one offence." - C.S. Lewis

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ramos and Compean...

     You'll notice I haven't said much about the election.  Extremely disappointed.  Arm yourself with lots of prayer.  We are about to have an evil ruler over our nation.  A man who intends to make his first act in office one of cold-blooded murder.  His hands will be stained with the blood of millions of innocent babies.  Barack Obama is a wicked, heartless person who plans to use OUR TAX DOLLARS to help viciously and brutally murder babies.  AND, he wants to send OUR TAX DOLLARS to fund abortions OVERSEAS to third world countries.  So, while even ungodly people, like rock stars and movie stars, are helping to fund the feeding of starving children, our allegedly Christian president is helping to fund the murder of said babies.

     Anyway, unfortunately, our beloved president, George W. Bush is leaving office all too early.  Of course, you know, a departing president will usually hand out pardons to some of our incarcerated citizens, guilty or not.  I am begging and praying that he will pardon our border patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and José Compean.  Please join me in calling the White House comment line.  Their freedom, their families are worth it.  One of them have a 2 year old son who does not even know his father.  And they did nothing wrong.

1 202 456 1414

Please call as many times as you can!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Once Saved, Always Saved . . . right . . ?

The topic of whether or not a person can lose their salvation is a highly debated one amongst believers everywhere. Many Christians appeal to the fact that the Bible says we are secure, sealed, that salvation is eternal, and that no man can pluck you from his hand, to argue that it is impossible to lose your salvation. Many Christians believe in "Once saved, always saved." Is this what the very Word of God says? The Word of God is not a musty old book useful only to the ancient believers, ineffective for our modern lives. If you are a Christian, then the Bible is to be your standard for living. You can go to it for nearly every thing in life.

I have decided to appeal to Scriptures that make it exceedingly plain that you can stray from faith. I may not have every verse there is to be found here, but I worked hard to find as many as possible, then to read each one carefully in order to determine whether or not they truly applied.

Please read these with an open mind, if you are unconvinced. Let me ask you a question. If you could not stray from the faith, why would the apostles, especially Paul, continually warn the believers to stand fast in the faith, do not stray from the faith, do not be deceived, etc, etc, etc? Would Paul and the others not be the biggest jokers if they warned against something they knew could not happen? Paul even said that he was afraid for the ----, lest he had labored in vain for them. He was talking to believers. He was worried that they had turned from the faith.

The following seven are some that I consider very important. After that are the rest of the verses that I found, in order.

2 Peter 2:19-22

19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage. 20 For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. 21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. 22 But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: "A dog returns to his own vomit,"[a] and, "a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire."

Colossians 1:21-23

21 And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled 22 in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight— 23 if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, became a minister.

Hebrews 10:26-27

26 For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.

Hebrews 10:29

29 Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace?

James 5:19-20

19 Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, 20let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul[a] from death and cover a multitude of sin

2 Peter 3:17-18

17 You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; 18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.

Jude 1:5

5 But I want to remind you, though you once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe.

1 Corinthians 10:1-14

1 Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea, 2 all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, 3 all ate the same spiritual food, 4 and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ. 5 But with most of them God was not well pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness.
6 Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted. 7 And do not become idolaters as were some of them. As it is written, "The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play."[a] 8 Nor let us commit sexual immorality, as some of them did, and in one day twenty-three thousand fell; 9 nor let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents; 10 nor complain, as some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer. 11 Now all[b] these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.
12 Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. 13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.
14 Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.

Romans 11:19-23

19 You will say then, "Branches were broken off that I might be grafted in." 20 Well said.Because of unbelief they were broken off, and you stand by faith. Do not be haughty, but fear. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, He may not spare you either. 22Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness,[a] if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off.23 And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again.

1 Corinthians 5

1 It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and such sexual immorality as is not even named[a] among the Gentiles—that a man has his father's wife! 2And you are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he who has done this deed might be taken away from among you. 3 For I indeed, as absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged (as though I were present) him who has so done this deed. 4 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together, along with my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, 5 deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.[b] 6 Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? 7Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.[c] 8 Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavenedbread of sincerity and truth. 9 I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. 10 Yet I certainly did notmean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. 11 But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with such a person. 12 For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? 13But those who are outside God judges. Therefore "put away from yourselves the evil person."[d]

1 Corinthians 6:8-10

8 No, you yourselves do wrong and cheat, and you do these things to your brethren! 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[a] nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 8:9-12

9 But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak. 10 For if anyone sees you who have knowledge eating in an idol's temple, will not the conscience of him who is weak be emboldened to eat those things offered to idols? 11 And because of your knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? 12 But when you thus sin against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.

1 Corinthians 16:13

3 Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.

2 Corinthians 7:8-11

For even if I made you sorry with my letter, I do not regret it; though I did regret it. For I perceive that the same epistle made you sorry, though only for a while. 9 Now I rejoice, not that you were made sorry, but that your sorrow led to repentance. For you were made sorry in a godly manner, that you might suffer loss from us in nothing. 10 For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death. 11 For observe this very thing, that you sorrowed in a godly manner: What diligence it produced in you, what clearing of yourselves, what indignation, what fear, whatvehement desire, what zeal, what vindication! In all things you proved yourselves to be clear in this matter.

2 Corinthians 11:2-4

2 For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. 3 But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity[a] that is in Christ. 4 For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!

Galatians 1:6-9

6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.

Galatians 3:1-3

1 O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth,[a] before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you[b] as crucified? 2 This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 3 Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?

Galatians 4:9-11

9 But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage? 10You observe days and months and seasons and years. 11 I am afraid for you, lest I have labored for you in vain

Galatians 5:1-9

1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free,[a] and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. 2 Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing. 3 And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law. 4 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. 5 For we through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love.
7 You ran well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth? 8 This persuasion does not come from Him who calls you. 9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

Galatians 5:19-25

9 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery,[a] fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders,[b] drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who areChrist's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Ephesians 5:1-6

1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.
3 But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; 4 neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. 5 For this you know,[a] that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.

Colossians 2:4-8

Now this I say lest anyone should deceive you with persuasive words. 5 For though I am absent in the flesh, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ.
6 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, 7 rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it[a] with thanksgiving.
8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.

Colossians 2:13-19

13 And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, 14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. 15 Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.
16 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ. 18 Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not[a] seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, 19and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God.

1 Thessalonians 3:5&8

For this reason, when I could no longer endure it, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter had tempted you, and our labor might be in vain.8 For now we live, if you stand fast in the Lord.

1 Thessalonians 3:6

6 But now that Timothy has come to us from you, and brought us good news of your faith and love, and that you always have good remembrance of us, greatly desiring to see us, as we also to see you—

1 Timothy 1:5-7

Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, 6 from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, 7 desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm.

1 Timothy 4:1-3

1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.

1 Timothy 4:16

16 Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you

1 Timothy 6:20-21

0 O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge— 21 by professing it some have strayed concerning the faith.
Grace be with you. Amen.

2 Timothy 1:13

13 Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 2:17-19

17 And their message will spread like cancer. Hymenaeus and Philetus are of this sort, 18who have strayed concerning the truth, saying that the resurrection is already past; and they overthrow the faith of some. 19 Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: "The Lord knows those who are His," and, "Let everyone who names the name of Christ[a] depart from iniquity."

2 Timothy 3:10-14

10 But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, 11 persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra—what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me. 12 Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them,

Hebrews 2:1

1 Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away

Hebrews 3:12-19

12 Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; 13 but exhort one another daily, while it is called "Today," lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 14 For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, 15 while it is said:

" Today, if you will hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion."[a]
16 For who, having heard, rebelled? Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt, led by Moses? 17 Now with whom was He angry forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose corpses fell in the wilderness? 18And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who did not obey? 19 So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.

Hebrews 10:23

23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised isfaithful.

Hebrews 12:5-13

5 And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:

" My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
6 For whom the LORD loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives."[a]

7 If[b] you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? 8 But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days chastened usas seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness. 11Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. 12 Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, 13 and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed.

James 1:12-16

12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. 13 Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. 14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.

1 Peter 5:8-9

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because[a] your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

2 Peter 2:1-3

1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does[a] not slumber.

1 John 5:16-17

16 If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death, he will ask, and He will give him life for those who commit sin not leading to death. There is sin leading to death. I do not say that he should pray about that. 17 All unrighteousness is sin, and there is sin not leading to death.

2 John 1:7-8

For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ ascoming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 8 Look to yourselves, that we[a] do not lose those things we worked for, but that we[b] may receive a full reward.

Jude 1:4

4 For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God[a] and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jude 1:20-21

20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

Now, after reading these, it is beyond me to see how anyone could NOT be convinced of the possibility of turning from God to your own judgment and destruction. It is written plainly in the Scriptures. Someone very dear to me once said that I only believed in the loss of salvation because it was "A tradition taught me by my parents." No. If my parents had taught me the opposite, I would still look at the Scriptures to see Truth. And so should all of you out there.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Stock Market Crash

     I know many people thought it would not happen again.  Maybe it is not quite as bad as 1929, and yes, we have that past experience as knowledge and wisdom for today, but it happened.  September 16th, 2008, was America's worst day since September 11th, 2001.  I feel terrible for the 10,000 people who are suddenly jobless, and, let's face it, not too likely to find comparable new ones right away.  Just as I felt bad for the people of New Orleans after August 29th, 2005.

     I have said, and continue to hold, that God is judging this nation.  He allowed a foreign enemy, (come on, people, He has protected us from enemies for all of this time!) to come and attack our tallest, strongest, and nearly most symbolic buildings in our nation, our status in the world.  2,800 is a big number, but thank God it was not an hour later, when 20,000-30,000 people might have been in the towers.  He allowed a Category 5 storm to rip through a debauched, notoriously sinful city, New Orleans.  And all that anyone wants to talk about is rebuilding the foul place and returning to their sins.  (When may I awake, that I may seek another drink?)  Now, He has allowed our economy to become a shambles, and the Stock Market to crash as it has not in many, many years.  For Lehman Brothers, who survived the Depression, who have been strong for 150 years, to file bankruptcy, is unthinkable and a big clue as to how far we are plummeting.  

     As an emergency measure, President Bush has ordered the treasury to release billions and billions of dollars.  This is what has become necessary.  The American Dollar will certainly go down in value.   This may have very serious ramifications for our international trade.

     On the topic of international trade, why should we not be judged for our methods of trade?  Poor people in Third World nations slave, literally, slave away, suffering and working hard, to earn very, very, very, very little for their work.  All so the American retailers can have a product with very little overhead and massive profits.  

     You who think that God does not judge any more, please read the Word of God.  Stop listening to these feel-good, motivational preachers who want to croon about the sweet grace of God that would never judge anyone.  Yes, God is merciful, yes, He is longsuffering.  If He were not, He would have wiped America off the map 30 years ago.  But He is patient, and loving.  He also is just and righteous.  He cannot look forever upon a nation that points its finger in His face, laughing and daring Him to do anything about it.

     If you are one of these He will judge, please listen to me.  You are a sinner, separated from God by birth into humanity.  You may be a good person by people's standards, but your righteousness is as filthy rags to God.  "For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God."  "There is none righteous, no, not one...For together they have turned away and become unprofitable."  We have all transgressed His commandments.  We all are deserving of judgment, and will pass away without Him, into the Lake of Fire, which burns for eternity.

     But God, in His great mercy, made a way for our salvation.  He has made a path for redemption.  He sent His very own Son, Jesus Christ, to walk the Earth as a man, fully God, fully man, and to die, bearing our sins, to die a horrible death.  He was beaten, stripped of His clothes, and nailed to a cross, to die a horrible, painful, suffocating, bleeding death.  Even though He was righteous, and had no sin in Him.  Even though he was holy, He laid down His holiness to take up our sinfulness.  He wanted for us to be called children of God.

     You can accept this sacrifice, you can make His soul an offering for your sin.  You must believe that this is true.  You must accept that you are worthless and must die, apart from Christ's atonement.  The Bible says that you must believe in your heart and confess with your mouth unto salvation.  You must make Jesus the Lord of your life.  A lot of people think that means if He says, "Go to Africa," you must go.  Well, it does, but it also means that He is glorified in everything you do and say.  It means you put aside lying, deceit, malice, hatred, envy, foolish strivings, gossip, fornication.  It means you avoid even the appearance of these things.  It means you don't watch "Survivor" or "Desperate Housewives".  It means you don't listen to Metallica or AC-DC.  It means you don't dress immodestly.  It may be a big sacrifice, but when you stand before God, you will either gladly bow the knee and enter into your reward, or you will be forced to kneel, then you will be thrown, screaming and pleading, into everlasting torment and unbearable pain.  

     Please make Jesus your choice today.  If you do, contact me through here.  I want to be in touch with you.  Get a Bible.  I recommend a New King James Version.  Read Isaiah 53.  It is prophetic about Jesus.  It tells us what He did.  Read John.  Read Romans.  Especially read Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians.  Don't put as much stock in the amount you read at a time as in what you get out of what you read.  You need to be fed spiritually.  Find a Bible-believing church to meet with.  

Monday, September 8, 2008

Land of Injustice

     America is known as the Land of the Free, the Just, so forth and so on.  Wonderful patriotic words and phrases representing the ideals of moral, wise Founding Fathers who set our nation in order to be different from every other civilization in the World's history.

     Maybe they were not all Christian, but at least there was some sense of morality, of decent behavior, of good conduct.  Evildoers were punished.  People of all religions were accepted, never persecuted.  Christianity was considered America's official religion.  Most people were Christians.

     With time, however, people, whose nature is to be self-serving, decided to break off the bonds which had kept them a moral nation, and began to search for ways of pleasing themselves.  This is first especially noticeable in the "Roaring 20's", when people began to boldly challenge traditional morals, women began testing the waters with new, immodest dress.  People began to really buck God's laws more than they ever had in American history.  Decent society began the decline to the horrible muck pit we now see today.  

     This movement really progressed slowly, taking tiny little steps into the devil's den.  Little things that may seem like small potatoes to us today, but were big steps to them, led them further from God.  Their own wicked hearts kept them looking for pleasure.  This decline continued throughout the next few decades, growing increasingly treacherous with each growing generation.  "Free love", abortion, "safe sex", and other lies from the devil came stronger and stronger so that we have reached the place we are now.

     Now, we have porn everywhere, it just isn't labeled that way.  You can't go to the Wal-Mart without being exposed to porn.  Just try to point this out.  You will be VERY rudely laughed at and mocked by uncaring Wal-Mart employees.  (Don't think Wal-Mart cares about ANYTHING or ANYBODY...)  We have teen girls who think they have to dress like prostitutes to be cool.  And, ladies, don't think it's just teens, I see plenty of women my age, my mother's age, even my grandmother's age, who dress worse than the teen girls.  You can't even go to CHURCH without dealing with half-dressed women.  People think absolutely nothing of living together, of having an affair, a one-night stand.  People are so crude and foul-mouthed, so wicked.  

     I heard that at a recent NAARP meeting, Shirley MacLaine said that we are really too harsh and have no right to label anything as "evil", but that what one person might say is evil is completely rational to the person doing it.  That we might called Muslim terrorists evil, but to them, what they are doing is right.  This is the product of a collective nation with NO moral standard whatsoever.  Popular opinion judges right and wrong.  I would like to respectfully assert that if society were to run according to Shirley MacLaine's perspective, then people could murder anyone they were angry at, and suffer no consequences, parents could kill children who misbehave, men could rape any woman they want, siblings could kill each other, children could kill parents, parents could torture children, and any foul product of any wicked mind would be perfectly acceptable.  Because the person always has a reason for what they do.  A man desires a woman, she refuses him, he must have the right to rape her!  A sibling takes a toy away, surely you have the right to take a knife and run them through!  How about we send Shirley MacLaine to Indonesia or some hostile place and see how she enjoys what she sees?  How long would a rich, spoiled rotten, selfish, lazy, high and mighty person like Shirley MacLaine like to look at the world from a REAL perspective???  Insane!  Ludicrous!

     Though she might have said it on a larger scale than most Americans would, she only brought out the general attitude of America.  "I don't judge", is not a biblical notion comparable to "Judge not, and you will not be judged", it is a motto that basically rephrases, "Anything goes!"  It simply means that you can do anything and get away with it.  You can't.

     While I'm on this topic, I would like to mention the Judge Samuel B. Kent, in Texas, who honestly needs to be in prison!  This wicked, wicked man suppressed freedom of speech and religion with a very Communist sounding threat.  A graduation was about to take place, and he told the high school students that they were forbidden to speak the name of Jesus in any way, shape or form at the graduation.  He said a marshall would be present, and any student who mentioned the Lord would be held in contempt of court and go to jail for 6 months.  He said that any student who thinks he is kidding is wrong, and that if they were to try him, he would make them wish they had died as a child.  What?  Did I accidentally make you think this happened in Communist Russia?  In Hussein's Iraq?  In Catholic Europe?  No, here in the USA, in Texas!  This judge should have been snatched up by his hair and dragged out of his office, a mob should have forced him out.  Instead, like big babies, afraid to stand up, everyone bowed the knee to this little Hitler-like tyrant!

     So, you people who want to whine about gas prices, about the economy, you want to blame Bush, look at this nation!  Blame the wicked, selfish people in this nation!  America's predicament is only America's fault!  This nation is being judged by God.  And all who think you can escape His hand, you are wrong!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Rick Warren's Interview with Presidential Candidates

     Watch for yourselves.  I dislike Obama even more from watching this.  


Friday, August 8, 2008

$3.54 a Gallon Cause For Celebration?

Well, today I was in town, and I saw that gas prices are averaging $3.65 a gallon. At Kroger,
it is $3.64, then a Kroger discount brings it to $3.54.
And we were thanking God for how much the prices have gone down.
Does that or does that not seem insane? Hey, at least it's not $4.50 anymore!
And you oil tycoons can blame the war on terror, natural disasters, OPEC, Saudi Arabia, Muslims in general, suicide bombers or even someone who sneezed in a refinery, but how do you explain that the major oil companies are making their highest profits ever? How do you explain the huge profit increase for Exxon? Or that Exxon's CEO is setting record profits for one in his position? Hmm?
Yes, energy costs are changing and rising. People take for granted what costs natural resources to bring us. (No, I am not going to turn into some left-wing, environmentalist who starts screaming about Global Warming.) We do certainly need to look for new ways to improve our energy expenditure, and to preserve what we have.
The truth is, energy or no, people just can't keep living like Americans live for an eternity. Both spouses have to maintain high-paying jobs so they can pay on their $600,000 home, their two or three $30,000+ cars, programs for all the children, pricey cell, cable, internet and everything else services, restaurant dinners nearly every night, thousands in credit card bills, and on and on and on and on and on. This just isn't a practical or a godly way to do it. You might could go on like this for a while, you might could have a nation full of lavish, luxurious living people for a time, but it just can't last.
Well, anyway, I'm curious to know, what are fuel prices like where my readers are? What have they been at their highest over the Summer? I live in Georgia. Where are my readers from? Thanks for your comments.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Political Views on Abortion

After I wrote my article last night, I was curious regarding the presidential candidates views on abortion.  Just because someone is a Republican does not make them Pro-Life, and likewise, being a Democrat doesn't not always mean being Pro-Choice (I think).





     Now, I completely agree with those last two statements.  The first, however, is bologna.  If you were raped, that is very tragic, it is horrible, and someone will pay.  But why make the innocent child, who came into the world because of a wicked person, be the one to pay?  And these lies about the mother's life in danger is nonsense.  The solution is NOT to kill the baby.  The solution is to do all you can, take the baby early to an incubator, just do EVERYTHING you can to consider BOTH LIVES!!!

     I also agree with a quote from McCain that doctors who perform abortions should be prosecuted.  I believe they all should be charged with 1st degree murder.  The women, I might have said, but I consider women like Stormie O'Martian, who had two abortions and was so sorry for it.  Who felt the judgment of God was on her even when she had repented and received forgiveness.  There are also some doctors who have repented and ceased.


     Folks, do not be decieved.  Barack Obama is NOT a Christian.  You cannot support murder AND be a Christian.  Can someone eat hamburgers AND be a vegetarian?  If they've maybe eaten one or two and then changed to veganism, then they are true to their stance.  But if they habitually eat and enjoy hamburgers, they are no vegetarian.  They are a LIAR and a DECEIVER.  Barack Obama is a LIAR, a DECEIVER and a supporter of cold-blooded MURDER! 

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Stand up for the rights of the unborn!

     I don't need to inform you that all over America, every day, many innocent babies are viciously murdered in cold blood - by their own mothers.

     The insane thing is, if a mother were to leave the hospital and decide she did not want the child and kill the baby - especially in such a horrible, cruel, vicious manner - she would be sentenced to death for the atrocity of the crime.  

     But, if the child has not yet entered the world through the birth canal and fallen into the hands of adults, then, you may stick a cruel torture device into the child's safe and cozy resting place and vacuum the innocent being, ripping it into a painful death, the likes of which has been mostly unheard of since the Middle Ages, then the mother may continue to live life as normal.

     Cold-blooded murderers are walking our streets, working beside us, going to church with us.

     Not to say at all that there are not women who are contrite and repentant for their deeds.  Some poor women believed the lies that were crammed down their throats and they are now profoundly sorry.  I read what Stormie O'Martian has written about her abortion, and her complete repentance and sorrow over her deeds.  To you who fall in this category, I give you my sympathy, and I remind you that God forgives us, that the blood of His Son covers our iniquities when we repent before Him.  Paul was chief of sinners.  Paul was a murderer.  God forgave him and used him mightily.  

     To you who want to stop this evil deed, this way that Satan has grasped "civilization", please help fight for those who have no voice:

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


     Last night I received through e-mail update the terrible news that the courts have rejected these unfairly imprisoned Border Agents' appeals.  This is awful.  God will judge.  God will judge Johnny Sutton, God will judge that Marijuana smuggler, God will judge the local court and every member of the jury.  HE WILL JUDGE THESE WICKED PEOPLE!!!  
     I am all for the legal immigration of poor people from Mexico would want to come here and make better lives for themselves.  I had a boyfriend who came here to make a life for himself, who made less than 100 pesos (that's $10, folks) a day, and could find no decent work.  He and his brothers and sisters were able to obtain green cards to come here and find work.  They work multiple jobs, for a cable company, some selling produce at a flea market.  I am happy for their success.  Most Mexicans are hard workers, and take the jobs lazy Americans don't want.  They manage money extremely well.  
     I am not for illegal immigration, but I can understand it to an extent.  
     I am completely against illegal immigrants coming here and selling Marijuana to make a living, then shooting an officer of the LAW (hellooo!) and getting away with it.  Not only does he get away with it, he gets $3 Million to cover his damages and inconvenience.  INCONVENIENCE??!!  Is someone crazy???  I bet it'll come out that Sutton is involved with a drug ring.  Why else would he be so determined to put the good guys behind bars and help out the bad guy?
     Well folks, here's what I have to say.  Thankfully, Elvis Presley already said it for me:

Friday, July 25, 2008

My Own eShop

I now have an etsy shop of my own, where my purses are available for sale. Hopefully, I will be adding more of my pillows, purses, diaper bags, etc. to the site. For now, it's just a few.
But, you can view my new fabric, designed and created by myself, in the Summer Floral Bag:


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What Paths Life May Take You Down...

     Five years ago, if you had asked me where my life was going, I would have confidently said, "I'm going to marry a rich man and go to Brazil where we will preach to the natives on the Amazon."
     Two years ago, I would have said, "I'm going to soon have my screenplays made into movies that will make everyone think and will turn people's hearts to God."
     Fourteen months ago, "Why, I'm going to marry E.C. and move to Tampico, where we will start a home church and have many children, then my writing, sewing and his talents will keep us at home while supporting our family."
     One year ago, "I don't know.  What does life mean to me anymore?  I only wanted what God wanted, and I thought He gave me a good gift, but now he's gone!"
     Now, I am reaching for something a little more practical.  While I am continually working both on my writings and my designing, I am focusing on an immediate direction for my life.  Before long, my parents will be in Virginia.  I have wanted to be in Virginia since childhood.  I have so far planned to go with them.  But I realize that not all of the originally thought out plans are going to work necessarily.
     It occurs to me that I don't want to be one of those women who just lets my parents support me until I am thirty, forty years old - I am already almost 23.  My parents have 5 children under 20 and 2 over 20.  I just don't want to be living off of them for a long time.  And I fear that if I do not take this time to go out on my own now, I will get comfortable at home and might never leave.  
     So, I have put in some applications for Colonial Williamsburg, hope I will be accepted.  I have wanted this since I was 11.  I guess if I get hired, I will move to a hotel or something.  Maybe take two or three jobs and save money.  All these things will help work me toward my life's goals - writing and designing - the very goals that a few months ago, I cried that I would forsake if only I could have the One I love.  But no such occurred.  
     Well, I am just waiting to see where the Lord will lead my steps now.  I pray it will be Colonial Williamsburg - at least for a while.  

Monday, July 21, 2008

Election Day. Arrrrrrrgh......

Well, maybe y'all are wondering why I have not written a piece on the upcoming election, being the politically interested person that I am.
Truth be told, I'm hoping the ballots will get messed up and nobody will win! Oh, well, I guess that won't really work, huh?
In the first place, I don't want Obama to win. And it has nothing to do with race. I would LOVE to see a black president come into office. It's never been done in this country. My issues with Obama are that he is a democrat, he is pro-choice, he says he is a Christian, but he doesn't seem to be a real dedicated one. He is tolerant (and I don't mean that we should not live in relative peace with the lost in this world) of false religions. He danced on the Ellen DeGeneres show. And his first act in office will be to sit down and think "how cool it is". Does this sound like the Founding Father's idea of a good president? Not to me, either.
On the other hand, while McCain may be a Republican, it's in name only. The guy is not my idea of a good, strong, Christian leader. And his wife wants to lead. The publicity we keep seeing is not John, but Cindy, in her short skirt, slit way up her thighs in front, so we can nearly see her underwear. We see this woman, at 70-something years old, dressing like, well, she should be arrested. And this talk of "leading". What? Call me old-fashioned, call me a prude or something, but since when is the office of First Lady an authorative position? She's just supposed to be the President's wife. Yeah, she has her place, she does things, but she is NOT a leader! When will people get that it is not sexual discrimination that prevents women from being pastors, elders, teachers, leaders, presidents and so forth. Come on! At least Obama's wife is a decent looking housewife and loving mother. Not a half-dressed take-charge bold attitude feminist!
You won't see me at the polls this year. No way. Because I cannot give either of those two men my vote. I'd rather write-in my sister's dog.

Friday, July 11, 2008


     Well, folks, its already Cow Appreciation Day at Chik-Fil-A again.  For those of you who are not familiar with this bizarre holiday, the gist is, if you go to your local Chik-Fil-A in a cow mask, you get a free sandwich.  Go in a whole costume, you get a meal.  
     I made a costume for myself, and I'll use last year's mask.  Sounds silly, but hey, it's free food.  Last year, I heard about it on the day of and scrambled to make myself a felt mask.  I got together with some of my siblings and held up "EAT", "MOR" and "CHIKIN" signs.  I had the "EAT", which amused everyone in my family to no end.  They took pictures. 
     Well, I'm ready for a full meal this year.  A whole costume.  I and two of my siblings (one brother does not want to be seen as a cow...) are going dressed as cows, and one sister is going as a cowgirl to round us up.  
     If you have not heard of this before, go out and get a mask or something quick and take part!  It's fun!


Folks, I am not sure what on Earth these vegetarian ads are about, but please don't think I have ANYTHING to do with them.  I believe that God gave us the animals for meat.  I do not think to kill animals is cruel.  Perhaps there are some methods, like Chinese people who torture animals for the perfect dish, but killing an animal for food is just fine.  Meat is good for you.  

Thursday, July 10, 2008


     Hi.  I guess this sounds silly, but you know, I just wonder if anyone reads this.  I feel kind of like I am writing to thin air.  Am I?  Take a moment to leave a comment here if you ever read my blog.  I would appreciate knowing someone sees what I have to say.  Thanks :)

New Tuscan Villa Fall Collection Pillows!

     So I have for sale some new pillows, haven't even taken pics of the last set, but this is my Fall Collection.  I'll be producing a lot more new stuff for Fall.  These are for sale on eBay,  Fall Collection Handmade Pillows/Almohadas de Otoño - eBay (item 110269636274 end time Jul-17-08 10:52:39 PDT)or, when they end, if no one buys them, they will be up for sale on here.  I have other stuff for sale, too, if anybody is interested.  My work is original.  I mean, a woman drove all the way from Dalton to buy my Bebe bag in blue toile.  Another lady paid me to make a toile coat for her daughter.  
     Tuscan Villa is about to launch a new line of fabrics.  I am designing them myself and about to have them available both on eBay and on my site.  The question is whether anyone will actually buy them.  Maybe a big company will buy my designs for a lot of money and I will become the next big name in fabrics.  People will see "Tuscan Villa" right next to the Waverley Collection... But enough daydreaming.  

Fall Collection Handmade Pillows/Almohadas de Otoño

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

     Well, Cinnamon and I had a little money from yard sales and all, so we put together the money to take Mom to the 4th Indiana Jones movie, since she'd been wanting to see it.  It took a while to find a theatre that was still playing it, but I found one, an hour away, at $10 a ticket.  After searching, I learned that before noon, they have an AM cinema for $6.  Seems a bit much for matinee, but whatever.  What do you say to people who charge $3 for a fountain drink?
     The movie had some funny parts, and it was kind of neat to see Harrison Ford back as Indy at his age.  I especially liked the end, where they finally get married, and Prof. Oxley says, "How much of human life is wasted in waiting?"  I mean, there they were, their son was grown, they spent so many years apart, knowing they only wanted each other, not saying what needed to be said.  I thought it was hilarious when he entered the government test town for the A-Bomb, climbed into a fridge, and miraculously survived an atomic blast.  
     On the whole, however, I was kind of disappointed.  I mean, Stephen Speilberg can make an incredible film (think Saving Private Ryan), and this is what he does with this golden opportunity?  Space aliens???  I mean, I was glad to see that they made it out like those foreign gods were not real, were just crazy ideas or whatever, but, I mean, they were space aliens who came down to Earth and taught the ancient people about farming and all that?  P'shaw!  That was pretty cheesy.  Some of the parts, I thought were kind of cheesy as well, like the duel between Mutt and Col. Dr. Spalko.  Oh, well, whatever.  I was mostly disappointed.
     That is generally the way of sequels.  But hurrah to the Bourne Trilogy!  Better with each film!  Somebody needs to convince Matt Damon to play David Webb/Jason Bourne for the Bourne Conspiracy!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

ATV's and unloved children

I don't know if y'all have seen this story about the nine year old child who was racing across the highway with his brother when he was hit by a car and killed. They have considered prosecuting the woman who hit him! HE was doing something ILLEGAL and just plain stupid. His parents obviously did not care about where he was or what he was doing. This woman already has to carry the guilt of having hit and killed a child. It was not her fault.

The town where I live is full, (no exaggeration) of yahoos who ride ATV's out in the road. From the 14 year old boy whose Mama thinks he would never be up to no good to the immature, tobacco chewing men in their 40s who race up and down the road. It's dangerous. It's foolhardy. These people need to stop. They are endangering their own lives and the consciences of others.

Parents, please know what your children are doing this Summer! They are, after all, just children!

Monday, June 9, 2008


I don't know if you have heard about this disgrace, but I have. And I want for others to join me in praying for these men and signing the petition to bring justice for them. This is so unfair. It is totally wicked. Please read the following poem, written by me, and then click the link for the whole story.

Twelve years is such a long time,
enough to see your boy become a man,
or build a thousand dreams with your wife.
It's quite a chunk from an already short life.

Two men languish in prison cells,
mistreated, hated in that horrible place,
law protectors at the mercy of lawless men.
What they suffer, we cannot comprehend!

Their crime is that they did their job,
they shot a dangerous criminal man,
a drug lord who tried to take their lives.
For protecting us, they're paying a terrible price!

Think of Mrs. Ramos and Mrs. Compean,
alone, torn from the men they so love,
suffering long days and nights alone.
Twelve years before their men can come home.

These women are left to try,
to support their homes in every way,
to bear their lot, with heads held high.
Staying strong, yet even I have to cry.

Now, to you who have made this so,
I have something to say, right to you,
You will answer, believe me, you'll pay!
In this life or the next, I know you will someday!

And I don't know why our country
won't open its eyes.
And I don't know how these men
can be locked away!
Uncle Sam, what have you become?!
You take away from the rich to feed the dumb?
Lawbreakers don't pay. But the protectors
of our homes, they won't get away!


If you sign this petition, please, give me some feedback. I want to know that others are praying and doing something about this injustice!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why I Call Myself "One of the Few"...

Typically, those who have been born again in Jesus refer to themselves as "the Few". I however, am one who realizes that there is something amiss is modern American Christianity.
I would never begin to suggest that I am not perfect. In fact, when someone recently taunted that I could never get along with imperfect Christians, I replied that this was far from the truth. I know I am not perfect. The very fact that I sometimes feel proud or better than someone else is a sign that I am not perfect, and believe me, I know it.
That being said, I would like to make the case that, besides the fact that the modern church structure is not at all what is should be Biblically (which is another article for another time), Christians in America have settled for a modern brand of Christ. A cheap imitation. Pastors are leaving their wives for prettier women. Women come to church dressed as if for the street, no exaggeration! Children are taught foul and crude things. Recently, a man who claims to be a Christian and who has a "Jesus Loves You" tag on his car asked me if I watch "Survivor" and told me he loves the show! Where does the going to church and reading your Bible ever come into your everyday life? Where does the Holy Spirit take over what you watch, wear and take part of? God is a jealous God!
I have heard that Mahatma Gandhi, when asked to consider Christianity, said, "I like the Christ, but not the Christian." Why should the world care about Christian T-shirts, Jesus bumper stickers, over-used catch phrases, tacky things like "Eternity:Smoking or Non-Smoking", when these people lie, cheat, deceive and act just like the world??? If you claim you have Jesus but you drink too much, do drugs, look at porn (no matter how it is labeled...It may be rated R or PG-13, but if it is pornographic, call it what it is. I AM NOT SAYING THAT ANY MOVIE RATED PG-13 OR R IS BAD...), then you have something to examine... Jesus calls us to live differently. Jesus calls us to be the light to the world. Those who are walking in darkness cannot be any light.
I will be the first to say I get angry too much, I gripe too much. I get offended easily. But I really am working to change those things. I want to be more like HE would want me to be. You who are reading this, do you think about what HE wants? Do you realize that vessels need to be clean for the Master's use? Do you realize that a little laziness and selfishness now can send you to Hell?
Suggested reading: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians.

Monday, May 19, 2008


As a writer, getting ink on my clothes is an eventuality. I have struggled with what to do about this, and have thrown clothes out because of it. Everything that normally works - stain stick, bleach, baking soda - comes to nothing at the firm hold of ink.
I got ink on a shirt I really like the other day, and I had to find something. The answer was online. It was so ridiculous, I would never believe it could work - but it did! Cheap hairspray! Spray it on really well and rub it with a cloth soaked in hairspray. It's amazing. Try it!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I am sitting here listening to the rain fall on our tin roof and thinking about how blessed I am, even if I do not always feel particularly blessed. Today, I spent 8 hours working at a local community thrift store (what I usually do on Thursdays, Fridays, and some Saturdays.) It is a lot of fun, but it is also a lot of work, and it is rewarding. The woman who runs it gives my sister and me a lot of clothes for us and our family members. Today I found several outfits for my ten-year old sister.
I sold a pair of sunglasses today for $27.99! That is something to get excited about.
One of the things I am very excited about in my life is my third brother. (I have four brothers and two sisters). At 22, not many people can say they have a 19 month old brother (I even have 6 month old brother.), but I do. And I love him to pieces. He has been such a light in my life, such a joy to be around, and has brought happiness and blessing that I cannot imagine living without. Sometimes I wonder what life was like before he came along. His precious childlike curiosity and constant learning are a joy to observe. He is a walking tape recorder, and he remembers well what things make us smile and laugh. Those things he does all of the time. He doesn't like to see people cry. I had to smile the other day, when he turned and saw me crying for my lost love. He did not like that I was upset. He looked worried, and then he smiled at me. That is so precious. That is how we all should be, all the time, toward one another.
Regardless what I have or do not have, I have the Lord, and no one can take Him from me. And I have the power to determine my own attitude. I will start deciding these things for myself today! I will not let my pain or my past or my situations determine those things for me anymore! Lord, help me to walk worthy of Your calling.
And to you, the One I love, who has hurt me, whom I have hurt in return, I would that I had a lifetime with you to apologize for the pain I may have caused. But I do not. I am sorry. I love you. I cannot forget about you.

Monday, May 5, 2008

How Time Flies...

My, how the days go by. One year ago today, I went to the airport in Chattanooga to finally meet in person the man that I had grown to love and appreciate so much through our chats online. We spent one wonderful week together, and on the last day, he proposed. One of my fondest memories about the day that he proposed was that the night before, he asked me to wear my "meeting outfit", a black polka-dot dress I had made especially to meet him in. He said it was because he did not have any pictures of me in that dress. I later learned that he knew he would propose, and he thought that if he were a woman, he would want to be wearing that dress. How sweet.

However, since that time, instead of marrying him, the man I had waited on my whole life, I am sitting here alone, with a pang in my heart as I look at all the places we sat or walked together, as I listen to the song "Take Off My Shoes" that we listened to so many times, as I remember the things we did together, where we sat and held hands, how we dreamed and prayed, how perfect everything was. And I realize he does not love me as I love him. He is gone. Everything he promised me was not true. My mind tells me never loved me, but my heart remembers him so well. I pray for comfort, and I pray the people who pulled him from me would come to a realization of their ways before they break any more hearts.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Those Teachings of Man Which Add to the Bible. Has God Not Said it All?

Many of you may not be familiar with the teachings of Dr. Frank Garlock. Though it's message was hardly new to me, I was unaware of Garlock until about a year ago. Basically, it's the same message that rock n' roll is evil and will send you to Hell, but this goes a little further.
Garlock has developed a very advanced and elaborate teaching against anything but his own personal favorite music. He claims that music MUST be 3%-4% rhythm or else the players and listeners are held captive by the beat, unable to be saved, because it controls their wills. He claims that most music today is 75% rhythm and beat. (How he measures this, I am not sure. Maybe he has a "Rhythmometer", available for just $19.95!). He has taken his own tastes in music and claims that all else doesn't cut it. He says that rock, pop, country and many other genres are from the Devil. Garlock directs an orchestra, which he says is okay, because the balance is different from today's music. My question is, how does he get around the magnificent percussion sections in much of the orchestra music? Does he disapprove of the 1812 Overture? How can he approve of rhythm and beat used in the music he likes but not in the music he does not? How can he possibly state that it is more pleasing to God to listen to Mozart (whose music I respect greatly), who was a filthy sinner and immoral man, than to listen to Third Day, who cry out in passionate worship of our Lord in music a little different from Garlock's style? How can he say that God is not pleased with songs like, "All I Have to Give", "Anything", "May Your Wonders Never Cease"?
A couple of days ago, I was listening to this incredible worship CD, "Shake Off the Dust", and the first song made me really think about Garlock's theory. This song, backed by a full rock band of electric guitar, drums, bass, the works, cries, "Jesus, You have met these eyes, with tears I don't deserve to cry. There are no words to describe, how I long for You. And I fall, at Your feet. Jesus, You are all that I need." You will never convince me that God is displeased with that heartfelt prayer. You will never convince me that He is more pleased by Mozart's self-worshipping lifestyle and beautiful music than by this song! I just cannot believe it. It is not in the Bible, to start with! It seems that Garlock overlooks the Psalms, where there are found many proclamations to play loud music, to use the instruments that man has to make music on, to sing aloud in praise to His name. (Garlock's followers even disapprove of the traditional Jewish music, such as the Messianic worship by Paul Wilbur. I do not know whether or not Garlock himself opposes this music.)
Garlock's own "ministry" has a cartoon for children, called, "Patch the Pirate". I do not consider pirates to be anything amusing. This series is crude and vulgar, quite despicable, with foul characters such as "Guido Hallitosi", who spreads evil garlic breath, as well as jokes and light references to burping and other crude material. This sounds no different from the world's garbage cartoons for children - they might as well watch SpongeBob Square Pants! I mean, obviously these people do not care very much about being different from the world. I cannot imagine how a Christian thinks it is okay to be teaching children to behave this way - and contributing to the overall moral degradation of society. Just don't let them listen to Third Day.
The fact is, this is a dispute over doubtful things, the likes of which the Bible instructs us not to be carried away with. Garlock's followers compare Christian music with too much rhythm to pornography, using a very weak argument that the colors are not wrong, the lines are not wrong, but when you put the whole picture together, it is wrong. I disagree strongly. What is wrong with pornography, as anyone should know, is that it is made by sinful people, undressed or dressed in a way that will provoke sin. I put forth the case that, just because a color might be popularly used in pornographic photos, the color is not condemned to be a sinful color. Christian worship music with more beat than Garlock is used to is not sinful just because you put together the "picture" or whatever. These people are not using sensual techniques and intending to spread sin. They are simply some people who worship the Lord with a different kind of music.
When, oh when will the church of our Lord be free from such petty disputes and divisions so that it can focus on real issues, like leading people to salvation, like living in righteousness and self-control because of the judgment to come?

Monday, March 31, 2008

We Can Be Heroes...

People are always idolizing those whom they feel are heroic. They watch superhero shows, they listen to great tales of bravery in battle. In Les Miserables, soldier Thenardier carried Colonel Pontmercy to safety. Pontmercy implored his son Marius to find Thernardier and reward him. At the very moment that Marius found his father's rescuer, the man was in the act of doing evil to a very good man, and the adopted father of Marius' beloved. Because the man performed valiant acts in battle did not begin to make him a good man.
People can be heroic even if special circumstances do not come their way. Perhaps you think, if I were in battle, I could do something so heroic! Or perhaps you think, if there were no obstacles, then I could do something heroic!
A real hero is one who is guided by principle rather than circumstance. It is easy to sit on your couch and say you believe in right and good, when there are no obstacles to overcome. The true test of heroism comes in opposition. A true hero, a real superhero, is one with the courage to stand up for him or herself despite opposition.
Heroism takes many forms. It is simply to do what is right whenever the time comes to do it. Cassie Bernall was a hero when she looked straight at a boy with a gun and said, "Yes, I believe in God." Each of us can be a hero when a boss might say, "Hey, I want you to work on this (something compromising)" and we make the choice to say, "No." A woman has a chance to be a hero by staying faithful and supportive to her husband. A man has a chance to be a hero by loving his wife as Christ loved the church. A child has a chance to be a hero by obeying his or her parents. And a parent has a chance to be a hero by raising their children well. Every day, in some way or another, we each have our own chance to be a hero. Some days, it is a very small way, other days, it is something large and monumental.
I like the song, "Hero," by Enrique Inglesias. It speaks of a man who will do whatever he has to in order to be a hero to his true love.
Jesus was the ultimate hero in that he, perfect, blameless Son of God, suffered and died for us. Paul says, "For scarcely for a good man will someone die, though perhaps, for a righteous man, one would dare to die. But Christ demonstrates His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." I once heard someone say that if each of us had to go through what Christ went through in order to save ourselves, probably almost no one would do it. Yet Jesus did it, not for Himself, but for us!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Circle of Honor

     There was a time when a man's word meant everything.  Even unbelievers could be trusted to uphold their word because their honor and reputation were everything.  We know that Jesus told us not to swear by anything, but to let our "yes" be "yes" and "no" also be "no".  If you say you will do something, you should consider yourself as much obliged to perform it as if you had sworn it and written in blood.
     Today, through a degeneration of society, even Christians often do not uphold things they swear to do.  A man might promise to help a family with work on their home.  But circumstances may change and he breaks his agreement.  A man might propose marriage to a woman and assure her that he believes, as she does, that it is God's will, promise her that his commitment is a solid covenant.  But when things make it tough to follow through with that promise, he might run the other way.
     I really like the book, "Circle of Honor" by Carol Umberger (a must read).  It's character, Adam Mackintosh, again and again proves himself worthy to be the laird and chief of his clan.  He makes painful sacrifices for the sake of a woman he does not even know.  The woman tells him that, "truth be told, there cannot be a more honorable man in all of Scotland."  This sort of honor is not impossible.  It was common a long time ago.  Especially among those who knew they had to uphold the reputation of their family.  
     Is that sort of honor possible?
     The Bible tells women to submit to their husbands.  But men are told to love their wives as Christ loves the church that He gave Himself for her.  A man who has the kind of honor and principle demonstrated here would be the kind of man that a woman would want to follow and even obey.  I often wonder if there are any honorable men left.  If I will find a man who will give me his love, nourish and cherish me as he does his own flesh.  
     The only man I could ever give my heart and my life to is one whose life is not dictated by circumstance or situation, but by principle.  One who can demonstrate to me that he loves me more than any other person in his life.  Especially his own parents, siblings and grandparents.

I Love 2 Sew, But...

     As I have established already, I love to sew.  On Monday, February 25th, I was not so sure of this.  I was working on an incredible patch work quilt for my Mom's birthday when I had an accident.
     I am not really sure how it happened.  Maybe I was going to fast (I was trying to get it done in time...) or maybe I just wasn't watching.  Maybe I was thinking about something else.
     However it was, it happened.  I ran over my pointer finger of my left hand with that needle.  It went in twice and then got stuck.  My Dad took me to the emergency room.  It hurt, but not nearly as bad as I might have thought beforehand.  All the way to the hospital (In my pajamas, with no shower, no make-up, my hair a wreck) I held my bloody finger and tried to think about something else.  NO, I thought, I would not be scared to use the machine again.  
     I got to the ER and they start the sign-in process, having me rate my pain, which at that point was a 5.  For insurance purposes, they asked if I did this at work.  Had I not been in so much pain, I would have laughed.  At work?  I thought.  No, I don't really go to work looking like this.  I know she was supposed to ask.  The worst part of the whole experience was having my blood pressure checked.  That is one thing I do not like.  It hurts.  Surprise, surprise, my blood pressure was high.
     They got me settled into a corner, where I waited on a doctor.  Dr. Hold came around soon and asked me about my injury, how it happened, so forth.  The main concern was that it might be stuck in the bone.  He gave me a digit block, and went to deal with other patients.
     Next to me was a Mexican woman who could not speak a word of English.  A translator came in for her.  She has been suffering chest pains for over a month, and they could come up with no explanation or reason for her pain.  her husband wanted to know what could be wrong with her.  I felt bad for them.  That would be really hard.
     The nurses came along to do an X-ray for me.  One said, "Ooh, is that a staple?"  I set her straight.  She was frightened.  She got a sewing machine for Christmas and had only set it up on the previous day.  If I had felt any better, I could have told her that I had been sewing for some time and that it was just an accident - an avoidable one.  They did the X-ray, which did not show the needle in the bone.
     Another nurse gave me a Tetanus shot, which I think I really needed.
     The Doctor removed the offending object with a pair of pliers.  I was very quick and I did not feel it at all.  He offered to let me keep the thing, but I refused.  In the trash in went.  He prescribed a mild antibiotic and a pain killer.
     I went home, and a couple of days later, I had something I needed to sew.  I was not too excited about sticking my finger near that scary needle again.  I did not want to sew.  For weeks, I was either unable or unwilling to sew.  But, despite the difficulties, I am back in ring, sewing several bags a day over the past few days.  At present I am working on a country blue toile bag.  I even have a lady in Spain interested in my "Bolsa de Pañales" (diaper bag) on eBay.
     It's frustrating, especially since the nail is so torn up.  It's not so easy to live with, but it is not going to keep me from sewing....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I Love 2 Sew

Just like the woman of Proverbs 31, I would like to be industrious and sell the work of my hands to bring in money.
I love to sew. Someone very dear to me once bought me a necklace charm that said the same. I make purses, totes of many kinds, clothes, etc. I recently made a pair of gauchos in about a size 4x. I was proud of my handiwork. I made a toile dress coat for a three year old girl. I made a king sized duvet for a lady's down blanket. I am ever and anon making bags that so far have not sold. I hope to have a little shop of my own, maybe in the Smokies or something like that, selling my work and repairing clothes for people who either do not know how or just do not have the time.
From time to time, you can view some of my work for sale on eBay:
(Click on this and then click, "view sellers other items".) This particular piece uses clay roses handmade by my 14 year old brother, who had made these for my wedding (which was called off.) I hope to soon list some really nice vintage totes for sale.

A Real Life Prince

I once read a medieval tale of three millers' daughters. At their birth, an angel came and gave each of the girls' parents a golden ruler and the materials to make a cloak, with the promise that three princes would someday come to ask for the hands of the maidens. The cloaks were required to be the measure of a prince - any less and they would not receive the love they had been promised.

In time, the three miller's wives all died. The millers each gave their respective daughters their gifts. One miller told his daughter the entire story and advised her to be wise and patient. The other two millers allowed their daughters to squander the precious materials. The dreaming young women cut short cloaks for pages, peasants and other handsome men, wasting their love on some who were unworthy. Yet, the first daughter worked very hard, not being tempted by the attractive men on the street. Even after her father died and was no longer there to help her make wise choices, she stayed the course and kept herself reserved for one prince.

When the girls had become women, three princes came to visit. Two of these princes scorned at what their prospective brides had to offer. One had a short, pitiful cloak, the other had nothing left at all. They had squandered their love, and yet had no man to love them or marry them. The remaining woman had a beautiful cloak, perfectly fit for a prince. They were married, and very happy. His love made her forget all of her time waiting for him.

I liked this story. It is not the typical fairy tale where unreachable goals are attained. It is very much like real life. We each are given life and the capability to marry God's best for us. Yet, so many people grow tired on waiting for love to come (it can be hard to be lonely!) that they waste their love and purity on mates unworthy of them. So many people today give in to desire and have sex, maybe with many people, before finding someone they truly wish to marry. Many others marry the wrong person in an effort to find happiness, a decision they rue for the rest of their lives, having either a bad marriage or a divorce.

When I was teen, I was fortunate enough to be in a Christian home where, even though all the "Christian" girls my age were dating around and many of them, sleeping around, I was not allowed to date guys. I was taught that going out is not a sport to have fun with and break hearts - especially my own. I was taught that God will show me the right man, and until then, I was not going to go out for the sake of going out.

I was determined to have a prince. I once wrote that I was not just looking for a "great" guy, not even a "great and godly" guy. I am looking for exactly who God wants for me, with all the attributes and beliefs I thought necessary for myself to have a good marriage with. I wrote up my "measure of a prince". My measure might seem hard to some, but I wanted to find someone who would exactly suit me. I had many requirements about appearance. Not about what someone cannot help, like having some not-so-attractive features, but about how he would dress himself, do his hair, that kind of thing. Even more requirements were about beliefs. Beliefs that not many people, even Christians in the church, today believe. And I wanted a guy who would want lots of kids. Like 8 or 10. I had several pages of these requirements for my prince.

I met a man who fulfilled all of these requirements and even more, beyond what I could even have asked for. As for the next part of the story, whether we will be married, that remains unanswered. Some people like to meddle, and have meddled with our love. But I know, in my heart, he is my prince.

What's in Your Heart?

I was recently reading a magazine article by a New York stylist on beauty products for women. She recommended full beauty regimen sure to make any plain woman the image of her dreams - at a cost. I added up the costs of her recommended products - $46 foundation, $40 shampoo, etc, and determined that in order to follow her suggestions, a woman would spend approximately $360 a month on beauty products. Let's be honest, a majority of women just do not have $360 a month for beauty products. Some of us do not have $360 a month, period. For many women, $360 is an electric bill, or rent, a car payment, or even the sum total of all bills for a month. For mothers, the budget can be even tighter. This article is not alone. The majority of magazines I have read or simply perused have had similar articles.

So, what are we to conclude? That only wealthy New York stylists like herself can afford real beauty? Or that only celebrities who can afford phony surgeries that make them into something they are not can uphold a standard of beauty today? Only women who can pay obscene prices for modern "beauty" matter? That the average woman cannot be beautiful, cannot gain her husband's attention, cannot be accepted as a lovely person?

I think not.

First of all, may I suggest that beauty does not start with the outside. Yeah, you've heard that one before. Many times. But it really is true. No matter how beautiful a woman may appear physically, if her inner character does not reflect beauty, it is nothing. I once read a quote that says, "Face powder can catch a man, but it takes baking powder to keep him.". In a way, that quote is true. A man might see a lovely young woman, and he might ask her out because she is so gorgeous. But if she is shallow, is she has no substance to her, the relationship cannot last. Beauty alone cannot sustain love. There are celebrities whom are thought very beautiful by many people today. But their lives are such shambles because they try to make it through life on their beauty and their names. And to be honest, many of them I do not find beautiful. (Not to mention, the photos you see are very touched-up to make them look more lovely than they really are!) A woman of good character and integrity can sustain love even without beauty.

I know that inexpensive beauty products work well. I pay $1.50 - $2.00 for my Suave shampoo and conditioner each, about once a month. I buy from an excellent line of professional shampoo that works just as well as the expensive brand. I look for bargains and sales at such stores as Target, Wal-Mart and Kroger. I pay very little for hair styling products, makeup and all of my hygiene products. And I do not think I would be any more beautiful with the salon brands.

I think more magazines should have articles for women with little money to spare on such things. And just because you spend little or shop at those places does not make you a red-neck, or trashy. As I said, it's what's in the heart.

And speaking of what's in the heart, what's in your heart? Do you know the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who, though you were to be executed for your own unrighteous deeds, took your conviction upon Himself and died in your place? He wants to be in your heart. Believe in Jesus.

Why Do Today's Ministers Feel They Deserve Better Than Paul the Apostle?

Today, I was looking at my e-mail when a banner ad came up for a certain website dealing with forgiveness. Curious, I clicked on it, wondering what it was all about. I found that you can e-mail anonymous forgiveness, which I guess some people might want to do, but I would outright tell the person I forgive them. Anyway, I saw a section appealing to those who desperately need to have God's work in their lives. It promised to print your prayers out and take them to the Holy Land, to the Western Wall - "the closest place on Earth to God" ! (For $6.99) What trickery! The Bible teaches us that God hears our prayers! Jesus said that even the unjust judge will hear the widow's case because she knocks so persistently! The Bible also teaches that Jesus is in your heart if you believe in Him, and that the Holy Spirit is in you as well. How can a wall of stone, significant as it may be in history and in the religious scheme of things, be closer to God than the heart of a believer, wherein is Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit?

Many of you may know that such schemes are pulled every day on "Christian TV". People ask for money to "spread the gospel" i.e. Gold studios, expensive furniture, breast implants, cosmetic surgery, Rolls Royces, $700,000 houses, and the list goes on! They plead, sometimes in tears, they say, for the lost, send money, please, they say, that people can hear the name of Christ. Some more sneaky preachers, such as a famous man from Ohio, promises that your teen will stop doing drugs, your husband will stop cheating on you, everything will come together in your life, if you would just give him some money. Shameless! Even Paul the Apostle worked, earning money to live and travel to spread the gospel. Preachers claim it is their right as ministers to be wealthy. If the apostles were not even wealthy, how great are these ministers who think they deserve better?

I am not saying Christians ought to be poverty stricken. Maybe some will be, and are called of God to be. They will have their reward. But the rich already have their reward. Some true believers may be called of to be wealthy - Abraham was, Job was - but that does not mean wealth is for every Christian. These preachers are preaching an extreme which may or may not be in God's plan for a given person. There needs to be a middle ground, people wisely managing their own money and living as good stewards over whatever God has given them. (I'll admit, and probably a lot of readers will, too, that I have not been the wisest of stewards with my money. I am beginning to work on changing that.) Often times, our own lack is because we do not manage money well. I say often times, not ALL of the time.

I know that an individual makes a choice whether to give the money or not, but preachers are fooling people who have little enough money as it is into supplying their own wealth. I once heard Bono say that these preachers are stealing money from the sick and the old, and that the God he believes in isn't short of cash.

Then, you might have congregations where the people are not being taught to give at all. Giving to the church's fund is a New Testament principle, that people should come and bring money for the good of one another and the whole church. The Bible mentions that believers would sell their possessions and lay the money at the apostles feet. They must have believed in what they were giving that much money to! Giving is a biblical principle. I think there are just two extremes holding today's believers - giving nothing or giving everything to make rich men richer.

I am glad to see these super wealthy preachers under investigation. I pray that this would be an awakening for them and they would turn to the biblical Way, and walk in the plan God has for their lives. Also, that it would be an awakening for those who have been giving the money, to see how they were duped, and to begin to give their money more wisely.

I Wear a Ring of Silver...

  I wear a ring of silver, on my finger, 
  on my hand,
  I wear a ring of silver, but no longer
  a diamond band.
  It's a knot of love, a reminder of
  love that I have lost.
  It's a knot of love, a reminder of
  what was blighted by the frost.

  I wear a ring of silver, on my finger,
  on my hand,
  I wear a ring of silver, but no longer
  a diamond band.
  My true love is not truly mine,
  I doubt he'll ever be.
  And love I do not seek to find,
  except only with he.

  I wear a ring of silver, on my finger,
  on my hand,
  I wear a ring of silver, but no longer
  a diamond band.
  My eyes weep tears, and my heart, it 
  weeps blood.
  I cannot stanch the flow, nor can I
  dam the flood.

  I wear a ring of silver, on my finger, 
  on my hand,
  I wear a ring of silver, but no longer
  a diamond band.
  My hand was once encircled by a 
  larger, loving one.
  But when the battle came down,
  he only turned to run.

To believe or not to believe?

I recently saw a bumper sticker that read, "I don't have enough faith to be an atheist". I thought that made a lot of sense. Atheists believe that all of this highly complex world we are living in simply came about through sheer happenstance. That the complex and difficult to comprehend cells just magically appeared from no where. That animals and their incredible survival came about by coincidence, and that we humans evolved by mistake.
I am afraid I do not have the imagination to see how that could be.
How anyone can see the world we live in, the oceans and tides, the delicate balance of life, the seasons and cycles of Earth, and not realize that an higher mind created them is far beyond me.
Of course, atheists only want to suit themselves and their sinful lifestyles by convincing themselves and others that this life is it. It is by mistake, their is nothing afterward. They find comfort in this thought that they can do whatever they want today and never have to pay for it.
I wonder, however, how often we Christians think about the coming judgment? When we speak to someone else, do we think, "someday I am going to answer for this,"? Do we judge ourselves that we will not be judged for our deeds? Do we watch what we are doing? Do we live like we know we will be judged? We will. The Bible says that ALL men will give an account before God. Whether you believe it or not.
I find myself continually praying for judgment against some particular people who have caused me a lot of pain through their sins. But do I think about the judgment for myself?
Lord, help me to always remember your righteous judgments.