I suppose I must seem a bit like Winston Churchill, with my prophecies of doom and gloom, but the fact is, we can hardly have any bright future in a nation full of people who have turned their backs on God, and a leader such as Barack Obama.
My next issue comes from the racism of our president. Anyone whose eyes were open could see that the man in a racist; if a white president were to say the kinds of things he does, there would be an awful lot to pay. There would be a national uproar. Obama thinks that black is the color of change, I guess we white folks are all to dumb to make a change. Why the world can't just be COLOR BLIND and realize that God made EVERY RACE of people and loves EVERYONE, I'm just not sure. Why some whites have got to think they are better than blacks, Jews and latinos, why some blacks have got to think they are better than white, all the while angry at racist whites, it's just all beyond me. Why does the president of the United States think he gets to decide that blacks are better than whites, and that all whites who oppose his vile, slimy healthcare bill are racist???
What is racist about deciding that human babies are lives worth saving?! What is racist about deciding that socialism WILL NOT stand here?! What is racist about deciding that the elderly and handicapped are just as important as the strong, young workers?! What is racist about deciding that freedom of speech is valuable to EVERY person in this country?! And what kind of person is Barack Obama that he wants to silence people like you and I? If he read my blog, I can guarantee he would demand I shut it down. Because he cannot allow people to criticize him. He cannot afford opposition to his transition to socialism. He must make America a place where pesky things like freedom of speech and any morality whatsoever are a thing of the past. He wants to march forward united against righteousness!
People, don't be deceived!
I encourage you to read Bodie Thoene's blog as well: http://www.thoenebooks.com
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Well folks, it seems as if I have been right all along, and our new president is already flexing his socialist muscles. I have been opposed to this new bill regarding healthcare chiefly because it provides for the cold-blooded murder of innocent babies, and reintroduces the "mercy killing" used by Adolf Hitler in the Third Reich. This bill will REQUIRE that everyone on Social Security be counseled, every five years, on how to refuse nutrition and hydration to end their lives, and be offered euthanasia as a method of leaving life, completely without any say from close relatives. Our president is throwing money left and right, and his idea of a budget cut is to suggest to the handicapped and elderly that they commit suicide. I guess the State does not have the funds to continue supporting the "undesirables", huh? That was what Hitler thought.
Worse than that, is the proposed reintroduction of the "Fairness Doctrine," which is far from fair. The idea is that opposite ideas get fair and balanced coverage. At least that is how it is packaged and sold to them public. The real deal is that a preacher cannot simply preach a message from the Word of God without making sure he does not step on any toes. If he wants to read Scripture which says that homosexuals will go to hell, he has to have a homosexual to come on his program and tell how great it is to be gay. If he wants to preach that murderers will go to hell and that Israel's law provided death for a man who caused an unborn child to die, he must have an anti-life activist on his program. No controversial issue can be challenged. Just like Hitler's war on the churches. The government will next be sending Gestapo-like spies into churches to underline key points of sermons and incriminate pastors who disagree which State policy. Sermons may soon have to be approved by the government.
Obama also wants a law that to suggest marriage can be no other than a covenant between one man and one woman is a crime. This "hate crimes bill" says that we Christians who dare to have our own minds and follow the Bible as we see fit will be guilty of hate crimes against homosexuals all over the nation. In my mind, a hate crime against an homosexual is when you show violence toward another human being who happens to be homosexual simply because of their lifestyle. Let me get this straight. I will NEVER condone same-sex relations or marriage, I take my stand that it IS sin, however, I do NOT hate the people who commit this sin. I would never harm them for what they are doing. God will judge, and in the meantime, we have a chance to lead them to Christ with love, not with nasty slogans such as, "Gay pride got Sodom fried." Tacky. But still not a crime.
Worst of all so far is the newest invention. The White House has an email address that they want all good citizens to use for reporting their neighbors who might have ideas that step on Obama's toes. To be clear, citizens are actually asked to report friends and neighbors who do not think that this new healthcare plan is a good idea. Obama wants to control our every thought and word, and he is prepared to use fear as a tactic in this control. Just like Heinrich Himmler, he means to silence the innocent to keep anyone from knowing the truth. What will happen to those of us who still have morals, who disagree with his plans? Will there be an American Dachau into which all big-mouth moral people will be thrown and kept silent?
The question is, will you allow this man to intimidate you into keeping your mouth shut? Will you sit by and watch baby steps turn into a rushing tide of socialism that cannot be stopped except by extreme violence and loss of life? Will we rise up and refuse to bow to these terrible new edicts (if passed) or are we to become a nation full of goose-stepping Obama sycophants, in mortal terror for our lives, unable to even say, "I'm not sure the president is right about that"? Will we wait until elderly people and handicapped individuals are being forcibly killed to cut back on the medical budget? Until doctors are ordered to slaughter patients on Medicare or Medicaid? Until there is an American version of Dachau?
freedom of speech,
Saturday, January 24, 2009
NOT Proud to be an American...
From the beginning, being American meant that you were part of a very special work that God was doing. You could be free to follow God as you believed was right. Which meant that following the Bible to the letter would not get you tortured or killed by the authorities. It also meant that following another religion would not get you killed or punished, so long as you kept to reasonable moral boundaries, abstaining from murder and sexual immorality, etc.
For a long time now, America as a whole has been declining. Anyone with any sense of morality can simply look around the culture and see that. To determine whether a new movie is something I, as a Christian, want to go see, I use a movie rating site that rates movies by the amount of sexual content/nudity, violence/gore and profanity. Almost every new movie I see has obscenely high ratings in all three categories. This is just one area. Yesterday, I was at Zoo Atlanta, and even though it is Winter, there were women who thought they were supposed to show up uncovered. You cannot ignore it, or escape it. You can blend in with it or you can fight it.
Sadly, the church has decided to blend in. The American church has zero impact on the culture. People are just not living the Bible. They are living sinful culture. Go to a church on Sunday morning. You will see that the women do not fear God in their clothes. If they believed that God was real, that He gave a rip about us, they would not be uncovering their nakedness before the struggling eyes of men and pure hearts of children! (Not like I want to see it, either!)
So, I hope that all of you alleged Christians are happy with your "change". You got it. You got a leader who thinks it's time to murder innocent babies and free dangerous terrorists. He seems to have a long-term plan to destroy good and noble things. You can read about some of his change in these articles:
In the above article, you can see how he wants to take OUR money, our tax money, to pay for the murder of children abroad! It's not enough to slaughter our nation's kids, let's pay to make sure that wicked women in Mexico can viciously slay their young as well!
Here you see, he is not only ending the war that is reforming the Mid-East and keeping us safe, he is releasing radical Islamic terrorists so that they can go find their buddies and repeat 9-11, except probably worse. Those guys want us dead!
People like Michael J. Fox may be cured soon! That would be great news, if the cost were not someone else's life! In these Nazi-like experiments, a baby is murdered so that a born person can have hope of being made normal. Hmmm, sound like a good deal to you? How about to the baby?
Frankly, I was disappointed when I heard Rick Warren say that Dr. King is rejoicing in Heaven. If Dr. King has a shred of decency, which I know he does, he is hanging his head at this Liberal Socialist man who masquerades as a Christian and hides behind shaky language. He appealed to the American people's needs, the wobbly economy, and bloody war to get into office so that he could turn this nation into an even bigger hellhole than Clinton did. You never saw him say what, in the strictest sense, he planned to do. He never said, "And I want to make sure that you can brutally cut a baby's skull open, vacuum his or her brains out, and pull the child dead from the womb! Yes we can! I want to release dangerous Islamic terrorists who want to kill our children and rape our women and bring us to our knees! Yes we can! And I want to kill babies to use their dead bodies to heal the living! Yes we can!" But it was all there, between the lines, for anyone who cared enough to hear.
The question is, are we going to stand for this or are we going to stop before it gets worse? Christians, we need to stand up and start telling it like it is. We need to tell people this is wrong! We need to fight abortion! I fight it by praying and by posting discussions on the internet. Soon, I want to do more than that. I want to take this battle out to people as they come and go. Perhaps we cannot abolish it, but God willing, we will eliminate it! Yes we can!
I welcome your comments.
Michael J. Fox,
partial birth abortion,
stem cell research,
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