I have said, and continue to hold, that God is judging this nation. He allowed a foreign enemy, (come on, people, He has protected us from enemies for all of this time!) to come and attack our tallest, strongest, and nearly most symbolic buildings in our nation, our status in the world. 2,800 is a big number, but thank God it was not an hour later, when 20,000-30,000 people might have been in the towers. He allowed a Category 5 storm to rip through a debauched, notoriously sinful city, New Orleans. And all that anyone wants to talk about is rebuilding the foul place and returning to their sins. (When may I awake, that I may seek another drink?) Now, He has allowed our economy to become a shambles, and the Stock Market to crash as it has not in many, many years. For Lehman Brothers, who survived the Depression, who have been strong for 150 years, to file bankruptcy, is unthinkable and a big clue as to how far we are plummeting.
As an emergency measure, President Bush has ordered the treasury to release billions and billions of dollars. This is what has become necessary. The American Dollar will certainly go down in value. This may have very serious ramifications for our international trade.
On the topic of international trade, why should we not be judged for our methods of trade? Poor people in Third World nations slave, literally, slave away, suffering and working hard, to earn very, very, very, very little for their work. All so the American retailers can have a product with very little overhead and massive profits.
You who think that God does not judge any more, please read the Word of God. Stop listening to these feel-good, motivational preachers who want to croon about the sweet grace of God that would never judge anyone. Yes, God is merciful, yes, He is longsuffering. If He were not, He would have wiped America off the map 30 years ago. But He is patient, and loving. He also is just and righteous. He cannot look forever upon a nation that points its finger in His face, laughing and daring Him to do anything about it.
If you are one of these He will judge, please listen to me. You are a sinner, separated from God by birth into humanity. You may be a good person by people's standards, but your righteousness is as filthy rags to God. "For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God." "There is none righteous, no, not one...For together they have turned away and become unprofitable." We have all transgressed His commandments. We all are deserving of judgment, and will pass away without Him, into the Lake of Fire, which burns for eternity.
But God, in His great mercy, made a way for our salvation. He has made a path for redemption. He sent His very own Son, Jesus Christ, to walk the Earth as a man, fully God, fully man, and to die, bearing our sins, to die a horrible death. He was beaten, stripped of His clothes, and nailed to a cross, to die a horrible, painful, suffocating, bleeding death. Even though He was righteous, and had no sin in Him. Even though he was holy, He laid down His holiness to take up our sinfulness. He wanted for us to be called children of God.
You can accept this sacrifice, you can make His soul an offering for your sin. You must believe that this is true. You must accept that you are worthless and must die, apart from Christ's atonement. The Bible says that you must believe in your heart and confess with your mouth unto salvation. You must make Jesus the Lord of your life. A lot of people think that means if He says, "Go to Africa," you must go. Well, it does, but it also means that He is glorified in everything you do and say. It means you put aside lying, deceit, malice, hatred, envy, foolish strivings, gossip, fornication. It means you avoid even the appearance of these things. It means you don't watch "Survivor" or "Desperate Housewives". It means you don't listen to Metallica or AC-DC. It means you don't dress immodestly. It may be a big sacrifice, but when you stand before God, you will either gladly bow the knee and enter into your reward, or you will be forced to kneel, then you will be thrown, screaming and pleading, into everlasting torment and unbearable pain.
Please make Jesus your choice today. If you do, contact me through here. I want to be in touch with you. Get a Bible. I recommend a New King James Version. Read Isaiah 53. It is prophetic about Jesus. It tells us what He did. Read John. Read Romans. Especially read Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. Don't put as much stock in the amount you read at a time as in what you get out of what you read. You need to be fed spiritually. Find a Bible-believing church to meet with.